Review of the 7th Week Class (Monday (2/24))
Hongtao Hao / 2020-02-26
Media Technology and cultures
Situation now: new media technologies
Scholars, users and non-users try to understand new media as soon as they are introduced
How can they be useful?
What are their risks?
What are their benefits?
- To really understand new media…
Must consider their technological features
Must also consider how they fit into society
Personal, cultural, historical presumptions
Values evoked by the new technology's features
David Nye's research
Responses to new technologies:
Three utopian responses to new technology:
Natural societal developments
Improvements to daily life
Forces for transforming reality for the better
Three dystopian responses to new technologies:
fear of losing control
worry about becoming dependent
being unable to stop change
- Smart speakers
How can they be used?
What are their risks?
What are their benefits?
Technology and society
- Technological determinism
Definition: viewing new technologies as powerful agents of change in society, as active forces that humans have trouble resisting. This view is most common when technology is new.
- Social construction of technology
Definition: seeing people as the primary sources of change in technology and society; technology influences people and vice-versa; ultimately new technology is domesticated (taken for granted as part of everyday life).
- Social shaping of technology
middle ground
Technology determinism
Old argument: communication technologies make us dumber
Socrates saw writing as threat to oral communication
Quick editing in film and TV shortens attention span
Use of mobile devices cause people to lose their sense of belonging to be place and their interpersonal skills
Nicholas Carr argued that Google is making people stupid
Milder forms of technological determinism
Media choice = use of technology has direct consequences, but people make strategic, usually rational choices.
- “You are what you eat” thinking
Social construction of technology
SCOT = technologies arise from social processes
social forces influence the invention of new technologies
SCOT theorists see technological development as also being influences by
Government agencies
Recurring themes
- Questioning whether mediated communication and relations can be authentic